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Notre Mère la Terre · Seattle Chief's speech

Reference -RROPNMLT

Inspirational speech in 1854 by Chief Seattle illustrated by Jean Bernard Chardel, prefaced by the philosopher Edgar Morin and translated and postfaced by Michelle Jean-Baptiste in a bilingual version

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Notre Mère la Terre · Seattle Chief's speech

1854 speech of Seattle, chief of the Duwamish and Squamish tribes, before Governor Isaac Stevens, illustrated by the works of visual artist Jean-Bernard Chardel, prefaced by philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin and translated and postfaced by Michelle Jean-Baptiste .

Inspirational speech for a preserved nature and a respect of "our mother the earth" for ourselves and the generations to come. “Teach your children what we have taught ours, that the earth is our mother. Everything that happens to the earth, happens to the sons of the earth. »


Some works by Jean Bernard Chardel are presented in our shop.

Illustrateur : Jean-Bernard Chardel
Préfacie : Edgar Morin
Nb Pages : 51 pages
Format : 15 x 21 cm



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