Pack differently with our reusable and colourful gift wrappers. Made with upcycled sarees, our pouches are very easy to use, put your gift inside and tie a cute bow.
Keepet is a Box made from the bottom of a soda bottle. Original, useful for storing your headphones, coins, jewelry box, usb flash drive, let your creativity express itself.
Klikety klik Box is a gift box made from the bottom of a soda bottle. Equipped with an ingenious opening. Chic, original, jewelry box, ballotin, vase, let your creativity express itself.
The Rangoli tote bag represents, a traditional indian art inspired from nature. Made on the entrance of the house, the rangoli is beleived to give strength, generosity and a positive energy.
Like Sleeping Beauty, scraps of fabric were lying dormant. To wake them up, the best idea was to give them a second life by transforming them into pretty foldable tote bags, which would fit into any bag so they'd always be close at hand.
Pack differently with our reusable and colourful gift wrappers. Made with upcycled sarees, our pouches are very easy to use, put your gift inside and tie a cute bow.
Caipin is an art paper made with recycled hand printed paper with hold wooden blocks and water ink. It can be used for decoration, to decorate a piece of furniture, or as a wall paper...
Our gift box turn into a nice storage box for your personnel items. Made in recycled cardboard with a design in coffee ground. A present itself or a nice way to give without waste.
Box kottan made with palmyra leaves with a contemporary style and unique natural colors. Perfect for storing everything in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, decoration or even in reusable gift box.
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