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Five minutes not more notebook N°1- The notebook Girl

Reference -RRLFCOO11JUP

A notebook that awakens the creative spark that is in you and invites you to rediscover the pleasure of writing. A guided writing experience for a 5 minutes break over 21 days with 21 inspirations.

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Five minutes not more notebook N°1- The notebook girl

A notebook that awakens the creative spark that is in you and invites you to rediscover the pleasure of writing. The number 1 is a guided writing experience for a 5 minutes break over 21 days with 21 inspirations.


Who hasn't got stuck in front of a blank page... with this urge to write, but where to start ? Expressing emotions, getting to know each other better, thinking… Seizing precious moments, collecting pieces of life… Some people prefer listening music, reading or coloring; writing is another way to take a break, to get inspired, to isolate yourself. With a few words, the girl of the notebooks invites you, over the days, to reveal yourself through writing, to offer yourself a moment just for you. Notebooks to offer or for your own use.


Limited edition

  • format : 13.5x21cm
  • Weight 92g 60 sheets ruled, printed on 90g/m2 
  • Cover printed by hot stamping on a textured or velvety touch design 
  • The rounded corners of your netbook will allow it to withstand walked in your bag
  • Designed and made in France


Who is the notebook girl


The girl of the notebook is a favorite of Rue Rangoli, we witnessed the beginnings of the birth of these notebooks that we immediately adopted in our shop before its great media coverage. Its publisher Isabelle has founded her own publishing house "la fille des carnets". She takes the gamble of making each of us everyday writers with inspiring notebooks. And through the workshops that she led in our Parisian boutique with our customers, we had the opportunity to see how well she has succeeded in her bet and offers us this little moment of pause.



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